Committee Overview

Architecture for Communities Los Angeles (ACLA)

Engages youth and communities.  Inspiring people about the value of Architecture, empowering everyone to create a better Los Angeles: One Student, One Building, One Community at a time.

INSPIRE       K-12 students and their families
EDUCATE    Students in architecture programs
ENGAGE      Communities


2×8 Exhibition & Scholarship Committee

2×8 is an annual, non-profit scholarship program, design competition, and exhibition. It celebrates exemplary academic diversity within California, provides students exposure to the architecture, engineering and construction industry, and encourages local communities to engage in the dialogue of design.

Co-Chair: Marco Marraccini, AIA 

Co-Chair: Alicia Morales, AIA 


Community Engagement Committee

Seeks to establish the ACLA as a trusted and accessible resource for communities in LA for all matters of architecture. Partners with neighborhoods and communities on events that can promote the value of design, address community needs, and introduce careers in architecture to students throughout the city.

Chair: Jhoiey Ramirez

Past-Chair: Citlalli Castillo Gonzalez, AIA


Design by Diversity [DxD] Committee

Helen Liu Fong Day
Saturday, April 13, 2024

DxD Day is the once-yearly event organized by the Design by Diversity Committee of the ACLA that connects professionals to students across many experience levels to inspire interest in design professions at a young age and encourage retention of diverse design professionals at all stages of their career. The Block Party-style event will include a variety of ways to engage, from information and activity booths to mentoring sessions, exhibitions, speakers, and more.

Co-Chair: Zaira Hernandez

Co-Chair: Brian Trinidad


K-12 Committee

The ACLA K12 Initiative is dedicated to inspiring and empowering K-12 students and their families through inclusive educational programs. Our K12 Committee, established in mid-2023, is actively recruiting volunteers to help develop new educational and enrichment initiatives for elementary, middle, and high school students.

Co-Chair: Ian Dickenson, AIA

Co-Chair: Julia Hawkinson, FAIA



Political Outreach

Connecting ACLA to local government organizations with a goal of empowering community voices to engage in the design of the built environment.


Advancement Committee

The Fundraising Committee is a standing committee with a goal of raising funds to ensure the financial viability and stability of ACLA, and to develop relationships with other non-protfits, foundations, and potential donors.

Chair: Ingallil Wahlroos-Ritter, FAIA


Higher Education Committee

Educational outreach is foundational to ACLA’s mission. The charge of the committee is twofold: In partnership with the K-12 Committee, it presents education opportunities and options to students, both in K-12 and Community College. In partnership with the AIA|LA, provides current College/University students a voice with opportunities to connect to the profession to assist in their preparation as emerging professionals.

Co-Chair: Jesus Abril, Assoc. AIA 

Co-Chair: Justin Sasada, AIA 


Architecture for Communities Los Angeles
4450 West Adams Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90016